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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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All ideas

Showing 36

Access the Regional Imaging Record

There is currently a regional sharing of imaging and reporting relating to most imaging modalities (CR, CT, MR, US, PET) available to acute clinicians. An imaging module could be added to the YHCR by purchasing an Agfa XEN node and adding it as a ...
Kris Weavill about 2 months ago in  2 Future consideration

Review Filter and Group logic on Summary Panels

As discussed on the Interweave Care Portal Workshop, it was suggested there should be a review of the Filter and Group logic on Summary V2 Panels, including: Whether it best to filter on 'most recent' vs 'active' Resources. If the grouping logic i...
Stephen Handley 3 months ago in  0 Future consideration

TPP non-GP access controls

Due to the risks identified with the TPP non-GP feeds, we would like to explore the ability to turn this on/off on an individual or team/department basis. This would allow us to give access to specific teams if they are not impacted by the risks, ...
Guest 4 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Observations needs a detailed panel/page

There is currently no detailed page for Obs. It has been hinted at, that this may need a new design due to the groupings of vital sign types for better user experience.
Kerry Cyster 6 months ago in  1 Future consideration

Medication panel usability enhancements (showing key info)

Within the Medications details panel, the number of columns requires users to scroll horizontally to view hidden information. When the user does this, the medication name gets scrolled out of sight. Can detailed panels be amended to address this p...
Toby Page 7 months ago in  2 Future consideration

ReSPECT forms visibility in YHCR cross-sector.

End of life information is held in many places. Blackpear, GP ReSPECT forms, community SystmOne, Acute systems. The copies of the ReSPECT forms can be duplicated or outof data and not reflect the wishes of the patient. Having the ReSPECT forms in ...
Guest 10 months ago in  8 Future consideration

Transfer all possible Demographic information from the Spine to the Regional FHIR Store

To summarise, address and telephone number changes to the Spine made through the Barnsley Hospital PAS system were transferred to the Regional FHIR Store (via the updated Spine) and were visible in the Interweave Portal (albeit after quite a long ...
Guest 11 months ago in  6 Future consideration

Accessing care records for patients that have died

Idea raised by Organisation: Harrogate & District NHSFT Lead Medical Examiner Idea We note that the YHCR becomes inaccessible when a patient has died, whereas my ME colleagues in the north still have access to the Great Nort...
Marc Baulk about 1 year ago in  2 Future consideration

Extend Health check to trigger dummy pix and iam test back to YHCR

Health check only checks config in one direction. If pix and iam connection could be also checked that would save testing and diagnosis time.
Guest over 1 year ago in  4 Future consideration

Develop Mobile App to access the Interweave Portal

A number of Local Authorities have expressed an interest to access the interweave portal on a smartphone as it would be a significant benefit their community teams. The current web portal has been tested on tablet devices, but the user experience ...
Stuart McGeagh over 1 year ago in  1 Future consideration