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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status In Discovery
Created by Gayle Guthrie
Created on Oct 2, 2024

Launching External Apps (Enhancements to context launch)

When considering the launch to additional apps (D2A or A2A) - would it be feasible to add in redirects to other Interweave linked Data, e.g. if a user has access to EPaCCs, a switcher or further context launch to take them back into that app rather than closing from/navigating out of the portal to the alt app?

  • Attach files
  • Kris Weavill
    Nov 21, 2024

    Once I contextually launch into the YHCR portal, viewing the shared record, I don't want to have to close that window to navigate to other interweave products such as D2A, A2A or EPaCCs. I want to be able to switch between internal apps in that window so as to minimise clicks.

  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Nov 5, 2024

    @Gayle Guthrie @Rochelle Featherstone please can you bring some use cases for P-I-222 Launching External Apps (Enhancements to context launch) | Aha! to our workshop session? I’ve been asked to review this, but my observations of how the users interact with the ShCR makes me wonder if this would be useful. Users typically don’t log into the system and use it as a base to launch from. They log into the system when they need to access a patient’s data. Do you have particular systems in mind that you would like to be able to launch into from the ShCR?