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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Future consideration
Created by Toby Page
Created on Apr 30, 2024

Medication panel usability enhancements (showing key info)

Within the Medications details panel, the number of columns requires users to scroll horizontally to view hidden information. When the user does this, the medication name gets scrolled out of sight.

Can detailed panels be amended to address this please? (it also applies to other information resources - e.g. Encounters)

Maybe freezing the key element(s) (such as name and date) on a panel so they're always visible to the user?

This issue was previously mitigated by configuration to remove 'not provided' columns. However, this is discouraged and restricted. Perhaps rectifying this is a good solution?

We recognise that the recommendation is for users to view information using the summary panels but some of our user groups (e.g. Pharmacists) need to see a detailed list of medications on one page.

We're happy to collaborate on usability sessions if required.

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  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Jun 3, 2024

    Hi Toby,

    This has been added to the agenda for our next TDA meeting. Think it's worth us having a general discussion around whether all user types will consider the same information 'key information'. Will pick it up there.

  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    May 20, 2024

    Hi Toby,

    I think there's a little bit of discovery that will need to happen to move this forward.

    The first is to identify where this new feature will be required. Medication and Encounters has been called out in the ticket. Is there anywhere else?

    Beyond that, I suspect we will need a session with partners (possibly as part of TDA) to agree on what the key elements (that would need to persist) in each of the impacted detailed pages are.

    When we have those details, I can check with clinical safety that they are comfortable fixing the data as the table is scrolled along (I suspect they will be - feels like it's fixing a clinical safety issue).

    Shall we start by outlining all of the detailed pages where this new function would be useful? If it's just medication and encounters I can speak to Sophie/Chintan about getting onto the agenda for the next TDA to discuss implementation.