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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status In Discovery
Created by Bryan Croxford
Created on Nov 16, 2023

Duplication of 'Social Care Assessment' and 'Tasks' Panels


during testing of our Local Authority data within the portal, every type of Social Care (SC) intervention that we record duplicates under the two respective Panels, this is because within the FHIR resource all SC Assessments are tagged as Tasks.

It appears that 'Tasks' is really a Medical intervention, so unless Social Care was to support a Medical intervention our involvements shouldn't really appear in the 'Task' Panel.

To me 'Social Care Assessment' only covers a very limited number of interactions with a person, i.e. a Statutory SC, Carers or OT Assessments. All our other interventions and documents that we complete are not really an 'Assessment', though they will all appear within this panel.

Request to break the link between 'SC Assessment' and 'Task' to prevent duplication and to rename the 'Social Care Assessment' panel to 'Social Care interactions' or something relevant?



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  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Sep 4, 2024

    There is a dependency on delivering this highlighted by Chintan on the ticket

    Details of the dependency:

    Although the idea and user story mentions about excluding the social care data from the Healthcare data, we do not need to use :not within those panels.

    We can achieve the requirements by adding _profile to the query (e.g. - "&_profile="), thus making sure resources with Social care service profile will be excluded from the display in healthcare EOC panel.

    However, at this moment, we are not in a position to develop this functionality as this would exclude data from the providers who are yet to remediate their data.

    The _profile search parameter is defined as a reference type parameter and not is only allowed on search parameters of type token.

    This idea cannot be solved until we have introduced R4 standards

  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Nov 21, 2023

    Hi Bryan,

    Thank you for raising this.

    We have promoted this idea to our backlog and will progress this with our developers.

    Regarding the renaming of the panel, we will raise this with other social care partners and feedback the outcome of those discussions.

    Many thanks

  • Adam Jennison
    Nov 16, 2023

    Every social care provider pushes social care assessments as a FHIR 'task', but we use the Interweave social care assessment FHIR profile which means each has been tagged as such (see code block below).

    Can identification of this 'profile' be used to filter out care assessments from 'medical' tasks so assessments are not duplicated on the task pane?

    "profile": [ "", "" ],