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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Future consideration
Created by Kerry Cyster
Created on Jun 25, 2024

Observations needs a detailed panel/page

There is currently no detailed page for Obs. It has been hinted at, that this may need a new design due to the groupings of vital sign types for better user experience.

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    Marc Baulk
    Jul 8, 2024

    Hi Kerry,

    As you mentioned, this has been discussed in the past. We are in the process of pulling some calls together to discuss how we handle the observations panel moving forward.

    Our initial thought was to separate vital signs and observations. In which case, we would expect to create a detailed panel for both vital signs and observations.

    Will mark this as future consideration for now and update you when progress has been made on our initial investigations.