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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

Note: this is a public facing web portal, any text here can be viewed by anyone over the internet, so please consider carefully the content you wish to share and please do not post anything of a sensitive nature.


All ideas

Showing 144 of 144

View of S1 Homescreen information

GPs often use the home screen on system1 To record wide ranging information that is usually important but we wouldn't want to necessarily be seen by the patient. Its an area that is worth looking at how it could be pulled into the YHCR. example - ...
Gayle Guthrie 2 days ago in  0 Needs review

Consistent auditing across admin screens

User information is not being captured consistently in audit logs across the admin screen as detailed in this SR
Sophie Lowsley 3 days ago in  0 Needs review

More Verbose Error on Tenant Admin Login

Currently whether there is an error logging into the tenant admins or you have gotten the password/username wrong you are greeted with a generic "An error has occurred" this is not user friendly and has led to some confusion around a potential Fir...
Kris Weavill 9 days ago in  0 Needs review

Include Artifacts to collect About Me Patient Passport data

Nowhere to enter PRSB About Me Standard data
Jordan Storr 18 days ago in  1 Awaiting feedback

Show metadata for information resources

Users may not be aware of business rules/logic used to populate information resources. This applies to both organisation data providers and proprietary sources (e.g. S1 non-GP feeds). This may mean that users misinterpret information or trust in t...
Toby Page 25 days ago in  1 Awaiting feedback

Include number of logins on user administration screen

User administrators are not able to see number of times users have logged into the system, which prevents them from analysing prolific users vs users who need more support. This information should also be included in the user download report.
Marc Baulk about 1 month ago in  0 Planned

Would like an admin portal downloadable user report with user names

Currently in User Administration, the downloadable version of the users does not include their names or email addresses if available. Our workaround has been to copy and paste the portal view and place into a spreadsheet which has formatting heada...
Kerry Cyster about 2 months ago in  2 Awaiting feedback

An “Authorising manager” field to demonstrate that a user was correctly authorised to access YHCR.

Would it be possible to add a field for “Authorising manager” when adding new users? Ideally, we would be able to amend existing users to populate this field too. We require this information to be present for audit purposes, so that we can always ...
Guest 2 months ago in  0 Needs review

Be able to see release number and date somewhere in the portal

Following a recent failed release, tester went through several checks before realising the release had failed. There was not way to know this other than carrying out checks.
Kerry Cyster 2 months ago in  0 Planned

Provide a local api endpoint to give PIX/EX errors

Chintan asked me to post this idea on this idea forum rather than the exchange portal. We have hit an issue relating to automation of the entire process for pushing patient data. E.g. If I push data into the local fhir appliance and it's successfu...
Adam Jennison 2 months ago in  4 Awaiting feedback