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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

Note: this is a public facing web portal, any text here can be viewed by anyone over the internet, so please consider carefully the content you wish to share and please do not post anything of a sensitive nature.


All ideas

Showing 17

Add panel-level information box to show provider-specific data impairments

There are known data impairments for our data providers (for various reasons). E.g. Some acute systems do not share all their information because of the nature of internal application messaging flows. This might mean that historical appointments a...
Toby Page about 2 years ago in  1 Already exists

Table Customisation in Portal

I understand we can now customise the general appearance of the portal at an organisational level, e.g. toggle the display of various panels on the home page etc. What would be really useful would be the ability to customise the tables within each...
Joe Ingle about 1 year ago in  1 Already exists

Appointment Type

It would be useful if the appointment information could show what type of appointment it what. ie face to face or telephone. As Care Navigators working for Leicestershire Partnership Trust we help families with vulnerable children with appointment...
Guest 5 months ago in  1 Already exists

YAS receiving outcomes from transfer of Care to ED's

This was one of the original Phase 1 Use Cases. It is contained within the attached document, and the rationale, benefits etc are detailed below. 1.1. Use Case Definition · Ambulance Handover Transfer of Care Description Upon arrival at an Acute E...
Nigel Hodgson 12 months ago in  1 Already exists

Enable configuration of fields in 'more details' modals

As we get a number of 'Not provided' fields from our data providers, we'd like to hide these in the 'More details' modals (like you can in detail panels)
Toby Page over 1 year ago in  3 Already exists

Visual Controls which support the sharing of unapproved documents

There is a clear benefit which has been demonstrated within the Leeds Care Record of sharing unapproved documents from acute organisations to primary care. This is said to supports effective transfer of care and leads to an a more joined up patien...
Julia Millman over 1 year ago in  2 Already exists

Dates and authors of letters and documents to be visible

When searching for a document/letter for a patient, it would be easier if the date and author of the letter could be displayed. At the moment, we have to open each letter to see the date it was sent. At the minute it just gives the date the letter...
Guest almost 2 years ago in  2 Already exists

Separate area for Demo/Training

When using the current sandpit at - - there are a lot of additional features which are either upcoming developments or test areas which our partners will not see (yet!) in either their sandpit or live (e.g. summ...
Gayle Guthrie about 2 years ago in  1 Already exists

Have the ability to export user data to show date last logged on and all user permissions/set up

On a Monthly basis for all other systems i run 'Dormant' user reports - whereby i check to see if users have not logged onto the system within a set number of days eg 90 and then I deactivate their account. This keeps the system secure and ensures...
Emma Cole over 2 years ago in  4 Already exists

Password reset function

It would be good to have a password reset function rather than having to recreate the users account again both in Sandpit and Production.
Guest almost 3 years ago in  5 Already exists