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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

Note: this is a public facing web portal, any text here can be viewed by anyone over the internet, so please consider carefully the content you wish to share and please do not post anything of a sensitive nature.


All ideas

Showing 75

Drill down capability from timeline

As a portal user I want the ability to drill down (aka pop-up, tool tip) into an encounter within the timeline, to obtain further detail which will enable me to make more informed decisions Clinicians frequently state that they can be swamped with...
Nigel Hodgson almost 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Ability to see if this YAS encounter has links to previous encounters

As a portal user I want to see if an encounter is linked to another, either by a 999 call leading to an ambulance encounter, or a number of encounters having the same codes. Often patients call several times as their situation worsens. It is vital...
Nigel Hodgson almost 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Ability to instantly see how many times my patient has encountered YAS

As a Portal user I want to be able to see how many times my patient has encountered YAS in a easily viewable manner such as a timeline. This will enable me to instantly understand how often they are reaching out to YAS Many patients contact YAS ag...
Nigel Hodgson almost 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Display of full HNY EPaCCS PDF in the YHCR Interweave Portal

During the clinical safety testing for the display of the summary EPaCCS information from the HNY Black Pear EPaCCS into the Interweave Portal it was fed back that it would be beneficial to provide the full EPaCCS to consumers rather than the ambu...
Tara Athanasiou over 1 year ago in  3 Shipped

Provide portal access for grouped GP integrations

LLR would like the option to set up GP tenancies per integration type (one for EMIS and one for TPP) rather than one per practice. Please can you add the necessary development work to the backlog so that portal can process the practice identifier ...
Toby Page over 3 years ago in  3 Shipped

Social Care Services Summary Panel Filter

The social care service summary panel is currently filtering on the most recent episodes by start date, however that can result is current services being filtered out in favour of historic ones. Suggest the filter be on active/planned status, to s...
Stephen Handley over 1 year ago in  0 Shipped

Group Conditions with the same Codings

In Notts we have a scenario where a Condition will get re-asserted as a new record in the line of business system when it is presented as part of a new Encounter/Consultation. Alternatively, the same Condition could be recorded by multiple Data Pr...
Stephen Handley almost 2 years ago in  0 Shipped

Include contact details for the provider of a Social Care commissioned Service

Display the managingOrganization.telecom on the SocialCareServices Panels - a key use case for sharing social care services is so that health staff can contact the providers (e.g. to alert them that the individual has been admitted to hospital, or...
Stephen Handley almost 2 years ago in  2 Shipped

GP practices to consume data from HDFT region through YHCR portal

More details to come
Guest over 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Disable name/DoB search (NHS number search only) for specific portal tenancies

In order to provide a standalone login that complies with an organisation's restricted records policy, there's a requirement to only show NHS number as a search option (i.e. no name/DoB search). Can this be provided for the Leicestershire County p...
Toby Page almost 2 years ago in  0 Shipped