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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

Note: this is a public facing web portal, any text here can be viewed by anyone over the internet, so please consider carefully the content you wish to share and please do not post anything of a sensitive nature.


All ideas

Showing 71

Establish a demo environment of the portal

We are regularly being asked to demo the portal to users in particular GP environments and it's difficult to do without Central Team facilitation. If there was a safe/dummy test environment we could have access to as ICS leads / PMs we would be ab...
Debbie Westmoreland about 3 years ago in  2 Shipped

Equipment registry panel(s)

LLR are in the early stages of publishing details of equipment on loan to patients. The data is presented using a FHIR resource type that has not yet been encountered elsewhere (DeviceRequest) and is not available in the care portal. As a minimum,...
Robert Hickingbotham over 2 years ago in  8 Shipped

Care Portal context launch from LiquidLogic System

This would enable the three local authorities in Leicestershire to access the portal from within LiquidLogic therefore supporting the Portal testing, roll out and uptake. Preference is to embed the Portal within an iframe. Leicestershire Programme...
Dalia Stasiulyte about 3 years ago in  1 Shipped

Enabling the Care Portal launch from SystmOne in Leicetershire

Leicester Partnership Trust and SystmOne GP users would like to access the care Portal using contextual launch from TPP. This will enable the clinical champion recruitment, user training and the portal roll out in Leicestershire. Leicestershire Ca...
Dalia Stasiulyte about 3 years ago in  0 Shipped

Publish default configuration to a tenant without overwriting local pages

Notts have/are developing a number of custom pages for local use cases in addition to those that are part of the default configuration. Whenever we publish the default config to our tenancies as part of a new release, we currently need to rebuild ...
Stephen Handley over 1 year ago in  1 Shipped

Have the option for a more compact patient banner by default (e.g. 1 line)

When launching the viewer embedded within another application (e.g. EHR), it would allow the limited screen real-estate to be maximised. Also, the host application may already be dispaying a banner.
Jim Brayshaw 11 months ago in  2 Shipped

New Portal Pages/Panels for Social Care Services and Assessments

Data Standards have been agreed for Social Care Services and Social Care Assessments, using the EpisodeOfCare and Task FHIR Resources respectively. The social care uses of these resources will be very different from other potential uses - for exam...
Stephen Handley almost 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Update RelatedPerson Panels to include Support Roles

The Social Care Support Roles Extension was agreed as part of the Data Standards Project, however the extension data included in any resources is not displayed in the portal. The extension information could be added to the: Related Person Detail P...
Stephen Handley almost 2 years ago in  1 Shipped

Portal admin user role

We have tenant admins, who can create users at a tenant level, but the super users have much higher permissions than just user creation. We need a portal-wide user creation 'portal user admin' type role, so service desks don't need a tenant admin ...
Emma Ede-Smith almost 2 years ago in  0 Shipped

Correct spelling of Refferals in portal left hand panel to Referrals.

stands out especially next to correct spelling
Guest about 3 years ago in  3 Shipped