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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Created by Tara Athanasiou
Created on Sep 27, 2021

North Lincs Council to consume health data via Interweave Portal

The Director of Adult Social Care at North Lincs Council has requested that they can get access to the Interweave Portal to consume health data. They understand that the product is still in beta and is being piloted by 3 LAs initially but would like to be a 'fast follower', probably initiating a project in early 2022. The data that they want to consume is: 1) GP Connect 2) NLAG data (initially this will be patient, encounter, appointment and discharge summary and 3) End of life data (from HCV EPaCCS). The Portal would initially be used by the council's Front Door service, and then the plan would be to roll-out more broadly to social care teams in the council.

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  • Tara Athanasiou
    Sep 30, 2021

    Hi Ian, we're quite early days in this so haven't agreed at this point. However, as we won't be looking to make this available until next year the NLAG data will be live at this point and will provide a high level of coverage for GP Connect on PIX. However, I also do think we should build in the option of a mini data provision for patient/citizen demographics only as this will give them complete coverage. We've got another meeting scheduled with them in a month so I'll add this to the agenda.

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    Ian Clucas
    Sep 30, 2021

    thanks Tara, is there also a data provision project being planned, or will they rely on the NLAG pix registrations for access to GP Connect? Are they aware of the GPC data feed dependency at this point?