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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Awaiting feedback
Created by Kerry Cyster
Created on Dec 17, 2024

Would like an admin portal downloadable user report with user names

Currently in User Administration, the downloadable version of the users does not include their names or email addresses if available. Our workaround has been to copy and paste the portal view and place into a spreadsheet which has formatting headaches and is extremely slow. We currently have a provider with over 1600 users, so that is a lot of scrolling to copy and paste. Also the providers have different user information according to their launch type and so we don't always get a full name or email address - liquid logic is one example of this where the 'id' username only contains part of their name but we can marry that up with internal training records.

As a Tester, trainer or change manager
I would like to download an actionable user report including names
So that I can analyse user uptake and target lapsed users to re-engage them
User contact Kerry Cyster or Sandra Taylor
Other information

The information needed, where available, is first name, surname, email address, User Id, role description (ie. clinical user), date registered and date of last access where dates are in dd-mmm-yy format. This is a supplementary report request (not a replacement).

  • Attach files
  • Kerry Cyster
    Jan 29, 2025

    Please also include this The count of user logins. Many thanks

  • Kerry Cyster
    Jan 15, 2025

    Also would like to include ODS (for GP and PharmOutcomes tenancies)