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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

Note: this is a public facing web portal, any text here can be viewed by anyone over the internet, so please consider carefully the content you wish to share and please do not post anything of a sensitive nature.


All ideas

Showing 75

RBAC development for panel display

Hi All The Interweave product team have been debating an idea, the value of which we'd like to validate with end user organisations High level user story: as a tenant admin (or CSO) i need to be able to determine which roles can see which panels i...
Ian Clucas almost 3 years ago in  4 Shipped

Add new role type or be able to restrict access to data for individuals on Interweave Portal

A HNY organisation (Local Authority) have requested the ability to assign users with different roles types in the Interweave portal that restrict access to data due to reduce potential for data misuse. The use case is a team of staff called 'Techn...
Debbie Westmoreland over 2 years ago in  6 Shipped

Add Property Type Description to DeviceRequest.Note and panel (Equipment API)

In order to share information from the Medequip API for Prescriber Team we need to map to the DeviceRequest.Note element and display in the Equipment panel
Toby Page 8 months ago in  3 Shipped

Care home access to Interweave Portal

We are looking to make the YHCR Interweave Portal available to care homes in HNY that have reached the appropriate level of digital and IT maturity. We’ve outlined our initial thinking on the requirements and use caseWhy:• Accurate meds reconcilia...
Tara Athanasiou over 2 years ago in  3 Shipped

Care Portal launch from EMIS

EMIS GP users in Leicestershire would like to access the portal via contextual launch. Launching the browser in a separate window has previously been rejected by EMIS but more conversations are needed to outline our approach. To mitigate the limit...
Dalia Stasiulyte over 3 years ago in  0 Shipped

End of Life Portal Panel Dev - HCV

Makes an existing dataset in the YHCR available to a broader user base within the patients home region - expanding to social care organisations who will begin using the YHCR Portal. See use case draft for full description and benefits.
Debbie Westmoreland over 3 years ago in  4 Shipped

Ability to see encounters visually in a configurable timeline

As a Portal user I want to be able to see encounters over time via a timeline with the ability to redraw the timescale to suit my clinical setting The current encounters table is very dry and it is often difficult to differentiate between encounte...
Nigel Hodgson almost 3 years ago in  2 Shipped

Different background colours for Sandpit/Staging/Production - Ideally configurable

During testing, avoids confusion of environments. Reminds users when working with live data. Ideally configurable per site of per user, with different defaults for each environment. A clear banner would be an alternative.
Guest over 1 year ago in  1 Shipped

Improve the set up email received by new users.

the set up email should be more clear on the link to the portal for future use and should not just be a link in the set up process. it could also offer advise to save the link as a favourite for easy access.
Guest over 1 year ago in  3 Shipped

Panel to notify users of downtime and system-wide issues

There's a requirement for a panel on the login page of the Portal to notify users of any planned downtime/any other system-wide issues We've had a request from Hull CC for this to be linked to the User Management Tool, so that the support staff in...
Tara Athanasiou about 3 years ago in  2 Shipped