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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on May 31, 2022

YHCR Instance - connectivity

Bassetlaw sit between two instances of YHCR and would benefit from cross instance searches.

Doncaster and Bassetlaw Trust are part of the Yorkshire Instance but Bassetlaw GPs will be part of the Notts ICS and therefore the Notts instance.

However, a high percentage of referrals from Bassetlaw GPs go to Sheffield Hallamshire/Children's Hospitals who are both part of the Yorkshire instance.

A way to see info available from both the Yorkshire and Notts instances aggregated in a single portal view would be beneficial.

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  • Admin
    Ian Clucas
    Jun 1, 2022

    yes, Tim's right, actual use cases do help us prioritise!

  • Guest
    Jun 1, 2022

    Hi Ian,

    At our tech kick off meeting Tim mentioned that. But also suggested that a real life use case would be worth putting on the ideas panel - We know Bassetlaw will need a view of both instances as soon as they get to go live. So worth knowing that now whilst there's still time.


  • Admin
    Ian Clucas
    Jun 1, 2022

    Hi Keith, this is on the radar but hasn't reached the roadmap as yet. We are meeting as a team next week to discuss a range of projects coming down the pipeline and this will be in the mix, will look to provide further feedback in the coming weeks