Provide a portal panel specific to end of life information.
This should align to SCCI1580: Palliative Care Co-ordination as the recommended information standard for recording in EPaCCS.
Information to be derived from the following data providers:
Documents (ReSPECT) from providers should also be included in the panel along with print functionality (as the hard copy is required as a legally binding representation for decision making).
Coded information from end of life, ReSPECT and Integrated Care Planning templates derived from GP and specific Non-GP units (LPT, LOROS, UHL S1 units, DHU).
Information from UHL Nervecentre electronic ReSPECT form.
This information should be presented so that the most current entries (irrespective of provider) are clear.
To be consumed by multiple partner organisations for use by a range of professionals involved in end of life care. This is to ensure that they have access to the most up-to-date information, including any changes to patient preferences and wishes and personalised care plans.
Hi Toby,
I'm marking this as future consideration for now.
Some work is currently being undertaken to allow consumption of PDF EOL care plans from BlackPear. When this is complete, we will assess the next steps in improving our EOL capabilities.
Just to add that the information standard has been updated by PRSB and should be published on their website in the next couple of weeks. Designed to work along with other related information standards produced by PRSB including Core, PCSP and About me. Need to recognise that information related to EoL is built over time by multiple professionals in multiple IT systems so solutions need to be able to sort and filter to the latest in order to help those working in urgent care for example find what is needed to make decisions. Documents like ReSPECT will have been created by multiple services and been updated frequently as condition of patient changes so need to be highly visible but sorted in date order. Fully support the need for a specific portal tab/panel for PEoLC information.
Need to establish clearly where respect documents are currently held, as TPP S1 holds them in Hull & ERY, with copies being sent&uploaded into Lorenzo (HUTH), so reference to Nervecentre demonstrates mismatch of solutions in-place which will cause issues.
Excellent idea to support the TPP non GP units pilot in HDFT palliative care team. Also a priority in the engagement meetings for data consumption with organisations going forward.
Sounds great - we'd be keen to get involved.
Hi Toby, this appears to be a hot topic with another ICS so we're encouraging a conversation here pending a possible workshop to work through the requirements