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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jun 17, 2021

UI Panels that book appointments into national and regional services

Regional infrastructure has Appointment booking capability. Portal could have a couple of panels that also provide the same functionality as the YHCR Booking Consumer application which would potentially allow GPs that consume the portal within their systems to book patients directly into regional and national services.

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  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Feb 27, 2024

    Have marked this as future consideration. We are, of course, creating an application to handle this functionality. We will review later down the line to see if a panel needs to be created to mirror the functionality in the care portal.

  • Admin
    Ian Clucas
    Jun 26, 2023

    as per recent discussions, a new any2any app will integrate with the portal to deliver this capability

  • Admin
    Ian Clucas
    Jul 8, 2021

    A similar suggestion has also been made about integrating the Portal into the Booking app

    "This way ED staff would have one tool to be able to view YHCR records & ED bookings rather than having to have 2 separate tools"

  • Admin
    Ian Clucas
    Jun 23, 2021

    this sounds like a good idea to explore following the SPA pilot and to discuss further with interested customers as well as early adopters of the Portal, in order to understand who would use it and why, GPs would be a particular interest in terms of booking into a range of different agencies