As a Portal user I want to be able to see at a glance which branch of YAS my patient has interacted with (999, Ambulance treat at scene, Ambulance Transfer of Care journey) so that I can understand the journey my patient has undertaken, enabling me to make appropriate decisions, and/or communicate to relatives.
Nigel Hodgson Business Analyst working for YAS 07715101546
There are 4 main functions within YAS:
Ambulance encounters where clinicians meet a patient, recorded via their EPR system
999 calls taken by call handlers and clinicians, ranked from Cat 1 (life threatening), to Cat 5, recorded on their EOC system
111 calls taken by call handlers manly, recorded on their Adastra system
PTS (Patient Transport System) primarily used to transport patients to hospitals, regular appointments etc. Sometimes perform journeys for more severe situations
As there has been no response to the request for information, we are going to archive this idea.
If you would like us to continue exploring this request, please respond with the information Ian requested, and we will reopen the ticket.
Many thanks
How are you intending on providing this data, once we understand that we can design the interface
It could be Location?