SY will be using the Interweave BI portal to gather data that helps illustrate the benefits of implementing the YHCR across partners. To do this it is essential that the BI tool is easy to use and accurate.
I’ve been looking again at the BI tool specifically for the EMIS Web tenancy which will be shared between WY, HNY, & SY.
It seems to be clustered under HNY as the owning ICS which means that whenever you select SY from the ICS menu the EMIS Web tenancy never appears. Can something be done about this as it is not representative and runs the risk of WY & SY ICS' reporting a false zero access? Is it possible for it to appear against all three of the ICSs so that whichever ICS is selected, the EMIS web tenancy appears in their list?
Secondly, is there a way that the access to the EMIS Web tenancy be apportioned correctly to each ICS so SY sees only the access from practices in their region? I would presume the ODS codes for GPs should be the discerning identifier here?
I wasn't aware it was to be a shared EMIS tenancy across all ICBs (apologies, I may have misunderstood initially).
There may be additional issues further down the line including;
Tenant admin. We were hoping to request that our IT Provider (now N3i for GPs) would do the tenant admin on behalf of GP Practices (removing leavers etc). They would not be able to do this on behalf of the other ICBs
Panel availability – in HNY we would like to keep the S1 and EMIS tenancies uniform in the information provided to GPs – e.g. the same panels/features switched on for all GPs. If additional or different features are required in different ICBs, this might be confusing as we would have redundant panels.
Panel availability (2) – our clinical lead for YHCR advises on this for HNY – which panels/features should be active. Again we would not be able to do this for SY/WY
Reporting – as Debbie highlights, a single tenancy limits our availability to report and look at benefits.