Provide Structured Medications Data from GP Connect.
Pharmacy services within the acute setting currently find it difficult to meet targets for medicines reconciliation within 24 hours processes are in place to prioritise patients on critical medications to ensure these patients are seen first. This involves a long manual process where the summary care record is visually scanned for each new patient to identify those on a set list of critical medications.
The link with GP connect would allow an electronic search of patients who have a critical medication within the “holding area” which would make the screening process much more efficient and allow these critical patients to be seen more quickly.
Medicines reconciliation rates will increase as time will be reduced from writing out medications from scratch or correcting wrongly prescribed medications/formulations. Patients will miss fewer doses of their regular medications as these will be prescribed sooner on admission. Reducing the elapsed time to effective prescribing is expected to reduce risk of harm and improve outcomes, including length of stay
Having structured data would allow us to provide structured reconciliation support -- validation will ensure ALL prescriptions have been handled - prescribed into the Hospital EPMA or stopped - reducing the risk of missed medications and simplifying the process.
Hi Debbie, I think YSFT will need to approach NHSD (as was) to validate their own UI, I imagine NHSD will want to SCAL any UI using the structured data, once it starts to flow following our own SCAL. They were very interested to see our prototypes
Hi Ian - following a conversation with YSFT this morning I wanted to drop a note to ask what the next steps for interested parties would be to enable them to become consumers of the structured medications data.
YSFT have previously designed a prototype of how they would plan to render structured meds in their environment and currently have two active projects (not directly YHCR projects) that would benefit hugely from this - these projects would potentially have resources associated with this requirement so may be able to move relatively quickly. One is a nurse discharge project requiring med reconciliation and recording of meds on admission and the other an epma project. Kev B has quite clear use case definitions for these but is keen to understand a little more about where the product itself is in respect of being able to engage, and whether you might be looking for a FoT for this. Many thanks,
hi Kevin, shipped as in 'done' but NHS approval still pending SCAL - after that we will make it available
status has changed to shipped -- as in AVAILABLE ?
is there any update as to when this will be implemented?
this is undoubtedly an important development and we have done some of the work already, but we encountered obstacles with NHSD in terms of converting their data into a FHIR format so that it could be viewed alongside medications data from other providers. Conversations were extensive and included clinical representation but an agreement could not be reached, we intend to pick up these conversations again in the near future to try to move this forward
Providing information through GP connect would ensure patients would get their medications correctly prescribed and administered sooner and allow pharmacy services to prioritise and review patients on critical medications.
appreciate this is a medium term capability but firmly believe the YHCR should have this on their roadmap as I'm certain tat all organisations who manage medications would value being able to consume structured data direct into their live EPR environments.