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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Planned
Created by Stephen Handley
Created on Jun 18, 2024

Context Launch Enhancements

The with the development of the Any-to-Any (A2A) and Discharge to Assess (D2A) Applications, many existing Care Portal Users will also need to access these other 'Apps', as such the contextual launch functionality will need to support this, including:

  • Ability to assign non-care portal claims to portal users who access via Contextual Launch (CL) … this could either be via the JWT Assertion/OIDC, or added in the admin portal (currently any additional claims added via the admin portal are removed the next time the user logs in via CL)

  • Ability to specify in the CL mechanism which ‘App’ to navigate to … e.g. some users might need to default to a different app than the Care Portal

  • Attach files
  • Stephen Handley
    Aug 6, 2024

    Hi Marc

    There are a number of related Use Cases / User Stories

    1. As an admin user I need to be able to assign claims to an individual user who currently accesses the care portal via a contextual, which will give them additional access to non-care portal apps (and sub-permissions within those apps). Options for this include

      1. Additional claims added via the admin portal (these will supplement what is granted as as part of the contextual launch)

      2. Additional Claims specified in JWT assertion

      3. Additional Claim provided by AD (for OIDC login)

    2. As an admin user I want to be able to specify which App the user will be directed to when they click on a contextual link

    3. As a user who has access to multiple apps, I want to specify which a default app to open (e.g. where one isn’t specified in #2 above)

    #1 is the highest priority for Notts ... we will have users who will have access to the Care Portal using various links (OIDC in Nervecentre, S1; JWT Assertion via Mosaic, Rio, Nervecentre; Interweave S1 Launch). Those users will also have access to the Notts D2A, and will need to be toggle to that app from the Care Portal. Access to the D2A App is managed via claim, however there is currently no mechanism to add these claims to Contextual Launch users (those users would require a 2FA manual login, which we do not want).

    #2 and #3 are a lesser priority, whereby a user is directly to the D2A app, without having to open the care portal first ... however they probably are not much use without #1.

  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Aug 6, 2024

    Hi Steve,

    Wondering if you could help us frame this from the user perspective. Where possible, we try to ensure that our first consideration is the user's needs. With that, we map the user experience and work out what technical approach will help us to achieve the desired UX.


    As an Any2Any user who accesses the system via S1 context launch

    I would like to be able to launch into the A2A application from my context launch link

    So I land at the application I wish to use.

    If you can help present the use cases you have in mind, we can work out the best UX and map the technical deliverables around it.