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Interweave Portal - Ideas

This portal provides an open platform for user feedback and product change requests. Anyone can add an idea and remain as a Guest, but please consider signing up so that others can see who has created the ideas!

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Status Future consideration
Created by Guest
Created on Jan 11, 2024

Transfer all possible Demographic information from the Spine to the Regional FHIR Store

To summarise, address and telephone number changes to the Spine made through the Barnsley Hospital PAS system were transferred to the Regional FHIR Store (via the updated Spine) and were visible in the Interweave Portal (albeit after quite a long (3 day) delay). However Ethnicity and Marital Status changes did not make it across or at least were not visible through the Interweave Portal. These were displayed in the Portal as 'Not Stated' or were left blank. It would be better (and would be less confusing) if all possible demographic fields were transferred from the Spine to the Regional FHIR Store. Note, the local FHIR Store is updated with the extra demographic information i.e. Ethnicity and Marital Status but the local FHIR Store is not referenced by the Interweave Portal.

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  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Jun 10, 2024

    Marking this as future consideration. NHSE have indicated they are working to progress exposing this type of demographic information, but are bound by what their legal team will allow them to do. Progress expected by the end of this financial year, but cannot progress until changes are made their end.

  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Apr 30, 2024

    Hi Dave,

    Quick update on this one. Have spoken with the technical team, they have recommended we do not blend the PDS data with data in the Regional FHIR store.

    I have contacted Jill Sharples at NHSD to ask how we go about having the PDS present additional demographic information and will be in touch when she's responded.

    1 reply
  • Guest
    Jan 30, 2024

    Hello Mark - it's Barnsley Hospital who want it and I can see their point on a number of counts. Firstly, they are able to update the Spine with this extra demographic information from their local PAS and secondly the Interweave Portal has these fields available for display which builds expectations. Their view is that they have put the info' in and the Portal has provision to display it but it doesn't (for the reasons you describe). Maybe the other sensible option is for the Portal to display the information from the local FHIR store - it is definitely stored in the Local FHIR Store.

  • Admin
    Marc Baulk
    Jan 29, 2024

    Hi Dave

    Done a little bit of digging on this one. PDS does not hold ethnicity information as it is a protected characteristic. As such, it has been deemed there is no legal reason to hold the information.

    We would need to speak to NHS E to establish if they would be able to provide Marital Status information from the central APIs. Can you outline what value you would expect to obtain from having access to this data?


  • Steve Shaw
    Jan 11, 2024

    Note that EthnicOrigin and Martial Status are not available from the Spine via SMSP so we can't update the golden record from that. This would introduce potential conflicts if one provider thinks "A" and another thinks "B"