During the clinical safety testing for the display of the summary EPaCCS information from the HNY Black Pear EPaCCS into the Interweave Portal it was fed back that it would be beneficial to provide the full EPaCCS to consumers rather than the ambulance service-determined summary. This would ensure the EPaCCS provides as much information as possible to health and care providers to support care decisions.
It was also agreed with Interweave that the provision of the HNY EPaCCS as a PDF would be preferable from a technical and data standards perspective.
Subsequently we met with Interweave and Black Pear to scope out the work and it was agreed that the required dev work would be delivered by Black Pear. We then placed the order with Black Pear for the provision of the full EPaCCS PDF into the YHCR.
After a technical kick-off meeting with Black Pear and Interweave it was agreed that Black Pear would share the technical specification (which has been completed).
Please can you advise if any further information is required from HNY in order for this to be progressed.
Thanks, Tara. Sounds good.
Current roadmap has this being delivered end of Feb, early March. If that is likely to change, we can update on PSG.
Hi Marc,
I think this looks good and is performing as I had expected. From my perspective, the most important thing was for EoL alert to appear and it's seamless then to get to the PDF, with no risk of this getting lost in the overall documents tab.
It will be useful to see how the contents of PDF appear with test data when this is available.
What timescales are we looking at for this to be released? Before it goes live we'll need to update our training materials and prepare some stakeholder comms so a guide to timeframe will be useful.
Hi Tara,
As you know, this is something we are in the process of developing.
As part of the development process, we have created the following design: https://www.figma.com/proto/8zFYnY6eImGWRMwGPI5DbX/P-381-EoL-PDF?page-id=0%3A1&type=design&node-id=2-159&viewport=539%2C604%2C0.49&t=KMvuiGORIOrCqX02-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=2%3A159&mode=design
It covers the rendering of the EOL PDF in the documents panel, and a development to the End of Life alerts tab that will see the PDF document rendered on screen when the user clicks the alert.
This is a change of behaviour in the system. At present, the user would click the alerts tab and be navigated to the End of Life Plan detailed page.
In introducing this new behaviour, we intend to remove the End of Life Plan detailed page. As the EOL PDF modal will render anywhere on the system when the alert is clicked, we feel this is a more convenient and consistent way of accessing the EOL plan information.
Figured I would give you a heads up and an opportunity to ask any questions or raise concerns. Please let me know if you have any.
Many thanks